This helpful Windows shortcut key combination will help you project your monitor to the projector.
This edition of Check This Out! has been inspired by a number of help desk tickets that read something like this: “I can’t get my projector to show what is on my computer. The background is there, but nothing else” or some similar situation. This can be very easily explained and resolved.
If you hit the “windows” key and the letter “P” on your keyboard a menu will appear on the left of your monitor.
The menu will give you the following choices:
PC Screen Only - This option will display content on your monitor but no other connected device (projector,
second monitor, etc).
Duplicate - This option will display the same content on both your monitor and another connected device
(projector, second monitor, etc). This was once referred to as “clone the desktop” in the Windows world. In
most cases this is what you want if you are working from a computer to projector.
Extend - This option will stretch the display to encompass multiple output sources. This is often the option that
has been selected when you see the desktop background being projected.
Second Screen Only - This option will show the content on the secondary display only and not on the main
monitor. (not recommended as it can be tricky to work from your desk in this view).
The option you want to work from to show a class what is on your computer is DUPLICATE. Hope this helps
you project your next lesson with no problem.