Friday, September 27, 2019

ProgressBook Video Tutorials

A complete catalog of videos explaining your favorite grade book application.

Created by Scott Aten, September 27, 2019
I wanted to pass along this great resource for all things ProgressBook. The link below will take you to the YouTube channel created for ProgressBook. Here are just a few of the many video tutorials available on this channel.

  • New Assignment Marks Screen
  • ProgressBook GradeBook: Google Classroom Sync
  • ProgressBook GradeBook Grid
Here are some examples of complete playlists:
  • Back to school with ProgressBook GradeBook Extended GradeBook features
  • DataMap Homepage search options

For more helpful information and the archive of previous posts, look for items in the menu to the left.


Green Local Schools

Tech Integration Team

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Google Quiz to Classroom to ProgressBook

Google Quiz to Classroom to PB

Work smarter not harder by incorporating Forms, Classroom, and Progressbook

Created by Scott Aten, September 24, 2019
There have been a few updates to Google Classroom and Google Forms (Quizzes) that have made using these tools for assessments a little better. I wanted to write this blog post to give some clear directions on how to "work smarter" with these two tools, especially with the ability to move grades from Google Classroom directly into ProgressBook. So below are a few things you should know when you are ready to do an assessment with Google Forms (Quizzes) and assign it in Google Classroom.

Google Classroom Quiz Option
You may have noticed that Google Classroom has a new option under the "Create" button called "Quiz Assignment". This option will allow you to create an assignment that contains a blank quiz that is already setup as a quiz (rather than a form).
[Video demonstration of creating the "Quiz Assignment"]

Bringing in a Quiz I made without using the Quiz Option in Classroom
It is nice that Google Classroom now has the option "Quiz Assignment", but what about using a quiz I made in the past? Can I still take advantage of the Locked Quiz Mode and Import Grades? The answer is yes. You don't have to start with a blank quiz and use the "Quiz Assignment" type assignment, you can just use a regular assignment and pull the created quiz in from your Google Drive.
[Video demonstration of bringing in a previously created quiz]

Secure Assessment with the Locked Quiz Mode If you have not heard, Google Forms (Quizzes), now have the ability to be given in a locked browser. That means students can't open additional tabs, they can't use any extensions (includes Read and Write - Sorry Intervention Specialists). These quizzes have to be given on a Chromebook. The two videos above showed how to turn this feature on from inside Google Classroom, but you can also turn it on inside the Form (quiz) itself.
[Video showing how to turn on the Locked Quiz Mode inside the Quiz itself]

What is the Grade Import Option?
Many of you have been using Google Forms(Quiz) for assessments and know that, if setup correctly, it can auto-grade questions like multiple choice and short answer. But now you can import these grades into Google Classroom with a click of a button.
[Video demonstration of importing the grades from a Form/Quiz]

Grading my Assessment (especially if I have some questions that I have to grade)
On some of the Quizzes you give you may have to manually grade some of the questions. You can do this an still import the grades into Classroom.
[Demonstration of grading an extended response question then importing the grades to Classroom]

Importing Grades from Classroom to ProgressBook
All of this work ends up being well worth it since grades 4-12 now have the ability to import grades from Google Classroom directly into ProgressBook. If you missed my last post on how to do it, check it out here.

This may seem like a lot, but once you do it a few times, you should see that these tips will save you time in the long run and allow you to fully use the features of Classroom and Google Forms/Quizes.
For more helpful information and the archive of previous posts, look for items in the menu to the left.


Green Local Schools

Tech Integration Team