Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Google Cast for Education

Turn your computer into a wireless screen sharing device.
Looking for a way to quickly and easily have your students share their screen with you and to the class?  Then Google Cast for Education is the app for you. This app allows a student to request their screen to be shown on the teacher computer.  With the teacher computer connected to a projector, the entire class is able to see what is on the student computer. This is a great tool for showing student work, student presentations, or showing what they have found during a research session.
The app is easy to setup allowing you to invite an entire google classroom of students to participate.  Here is what you need to do:
  1. Go to the chrome Web Store and search for “Google Cast for Education”
  2. Click “Add to Chrome”
  3. The app is easily accessible from the Apps section in your browser.   (directions on how to access the webstore, launch apps  and add apps).  
  4. Click the “Show Apps” button .
  5. Click on the “Google Cast for Education” app to launch it.
  6. You will need to give your computer or receiver a name.  This is the name the students will see when they try to connect to you.  Add a name and click save.
  7. Click the Share button
  8. In the Add people section, click on the box that says “Emails, groups, and classes”.  You should see your Google Classrooms. Select the class you want to connect. Leave the setting “Teacher can present, Students can request”.
  9. You are now setup and ready to have students connect to your computer.
  10. Have the student you want to project their screen on your computer go into their chrome browser.  They need to click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the browser and choose “Cast” from the menu.   They will be asked what device they want to “Cast to”. They select the name you gave your computer.
  11. The teacher computer will get a request from the student. Click to allow the cast and the students screen will display on your computer.
Once finished click on the X at the top of the screen to end the cast session for that student.
This is a great way to engage students!

For more helpful information and the archive of previous Check This Out! Digests, go to http://www.greenlocalschools.org/technology.aspx

Monday, October 3, 2016

G Suite Training Extension

Adding this extension will create an interactive training and walk through area that lives right within Google Apps
It is safe to say that Green is now a “Google District”.  Most of you have begun embracing using the various applications available in Google.  Where do you go to get help when you need it? Last month I introduced to you the “Tech Integration” category in our Help Desk system.  In this digest I would like to show you a Chrome extension that you can add that will create an easy to access reservoir of helpful tutorials and training videos that are specific to the application you are working in.  Here is all you have to do to add the “G Suite Training for Google Apps” extension.
  1. Launch Google Chrome and login to your Google account
  2. Access the webstore (directions on how to access the webstore and add extensions)
  3. Search for “G Suite Training”

  4. Click “Add to Chrome”
Next time you go into a Google product (Docs, Classroom, Sheets, etc), you will see this icon in the upper right corner of the app. If you click on this icon a menu will appear that shows you all the topics available.  For example in Docs:\
  • Insert a Chart 
  • Using Voice Commands While Editing
  • Adding Fonts
If you click on any of the topics in the menu you will be given assistance with that specific task within that specific app.  Just-in-time training and assistance right when you need it - while you are in the app!
If you need help adding this extension or using it, put in a Help Desk Ticket.  Be sure to choose the “Tech Integration” category and include a time that works to come help you in the description.

For more helpful information and the archive of previous Check This Out! Digests, go to http://www.greenlocalschools.org/technology.aspx